After a series of delays, Microsoft has begun rolling out the highly anticipated AI-powered feature, Recall, for the Copilot Plus PC ecosystem. Starting today, the first preview version of Recall is available to participants in the Windows Insiders program on the Dev Channel. Additionally, the latest Windows 11 build for testers introduces a new feature called Click to Do, which closely resembles Google’s Circle to Search.

What Is Recall?

Recall is a groundbreaking feature that captures screenshots of nearly every user action on Copilot Plus PC systems. It allows users to navigate back to any point in the past using natural language queries or a dedicated timeline interface. This timeline lets users reopen previously closed applications and websites seamlessly.

To prepare its search results, Recall employs advanced AI algorithms that match text and visual elements extracted from screenshots, providing an intuitive way to access historical data.

Key Features of Recall

  • Customizable Settings: Users can choose which actions or objects are captured, and they have the ability to delete any screenshots.
  • Privacy Protection: Recall automatically identifies sensitive information, such as credit card details, passwords, and personal data, ensuring they are not stored.
  • Complete Local Control: All captured data remains on the user's device. Microsoft neither accesses nor uploads screenshots to the cloud, and the data is not used for training AI models.
Microsoft does not send images from your PC to third parties or use them for AI training. We do not have access to encryption keys, meaning if you reset your PC or remove Windows Hello authentication, we cannot recover your screenshots, the Windows Insiders team explains.


The preview versions of Recall are currently available only for Copilot Plus PCs running on Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors. Support for Intel and AMD systems will follow in subsequent updates. Recall is disabled by default, addressing earlier concerns from privacy advocates who criticized the feature's initial always-on approach.

Click to Do: A New Addition to Recall

The latest Windows 11 build also introduces Click to Do, a feature designed to recognize text and images within Recall screenshots. It allows users to copy and save this data using AI algorithms.

Current and Future Capabilities

  • Integration with Recall: At present, Click to Do works exclusively with Recall to perform text and image recognition.
  • Standalone Use Coming Soon: In future updates, Click to Do will function independently, launching via keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks. Users will be able to interact with a dynamic interface, highlight specific parts of an image or text, and perform additional actions. For example, it could allow users to highlight objects in YouTube videos for subsequent searches on Bing.

Addressing Security Concerns

Originally slated for release in July, Recall faced delays due to security concerns raised by experts. Microsoft took extra time to overhaul the security structure of the feature, ensuring robust protections.

To use Recall, systems must have Windows Hello authentication, BitLocker, and Secure Boot enabled. These requirements are pre-activated on Copilot Plus PCs, further reinforcing security measures.

Looking Ahead

Microsoft aims to expand the capabilities of both Recall and Click to Do, with plans to integrate these features more deeply into the Windows ecosystem. As development progresses, these tools promise to enhance productivity and redefine how users interact with their systems.

Stay tuned for updates as Microsoft continues to refine these innovations for a broader audience.