On Saturday evening, Pavel Durov was arrested at Le Bourget Airport. Durov had been avoiding countries where Telegram was under heavy government scrutiny. The reason for his landing is unknown, whether it was due to a technical issue or a need to refuel the plane. This led to his detention, as the arrest was only possible once he was on French soil.
Durov had been placed on a federal wanted list for refusing to cooperate with authorities and is considered an accomplice to all illegal activities occurring on Telegram. It is said that he is aware of these issues but has taken no action.
Durov is currently under arrest, and a trial will soon take place.
As a result, Toncoin's value has sharply declined, and the token is likely to continue dropping in the near future. Although it might recover over time, as its creator is Pavel Durov and his brother, the situation has been different since 2020.
As for Telegram, it will likely continue operating as usual, though some changes might occur.