In this guide, we'll walk through creating a Telegram bot that'll keep you on your toes with timely reminders. We'll cover everything from setting up your bot with BotFather to deploying it on a server. By the end, you'll have a fully functional reminder bot that you can customize to your heart's content.
1. Befriending BotFather: Your Gateway to Bot Creation
First things first, let's get acquainted with BotFather, the godfather of all Telegram bots. Here's how to get your bot up and running:
- Open Telegram and search for @BotFather
- Start a chat and send /newbot
- Follow the prompts to name your bot
- Grab the API token BotFather gives you – it's your golden ticket!
Remember, keep that token secret. It's like the keys to your bot's kingdom!
2. Setting Up Your Python Playground
Time to get our hands dirty with some Python magic. Let's set up our development environment:
# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv reminder_bot_env
# Activate it
source reminder_bot_env/bin/activate # On Windows, use `reminder_bot_env\Scripts\activate`
# Install the necessary libraries
pip install python-telegram-bot apscheduler
We're using python-telegram-bot
for Telegram API interactions and apscheduler
for managing our reminders. They're like the dynamic duo of bot-building!
3. Coding the Bot's Brain: Basic Commands
Let's start with the skeleton of our bot. Create a file named
and add this code:
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters
import logging
# Enable logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define command handlers
def start(update, context):
update.message.reply_text('Hi! I'm your friendly reminder bot. Use /set to create a reminder.')
def help(update, context):
update.message.reply_text('Here are my commands:\n/start - Start the bot\n/help - Show this help message\n/set - Set a reminder')
def set_reminder(update, context):
update.message.reply_text('Great! Let's set a reminder. Please use this format:\nYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Reminder text')
def main():
# Create the Updater and pass it your bot's token
updater = Updater("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", use_context=True)
# Get the dispatcher to register handlers
dp = updater.dispatcher
# Add command handlers
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("set", set_reminder))
# Start the Bot
# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C
if __name__ == '__main__':
This sets up the basic structure of our bot with /start
, /help
, and /set
commands. It's like the skeletal system of our bot – essential, but not quite alive yet.
4. Remembering Reminders: Data Storage
Now, let's give our bot a memory. We'll use a simple dictionary for now, but in a production environment, you'd want to use a database.
from datetime import datetime
reminders = {}
def set_reminder(update, context):
# Parse the user's message
date_string, time_string, *reminder_text = context.args
reminder_text = ' '.join(reminder_text)
reminder_time = datetime.strptime(f"{date_string} {time_string}", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
# Store the reminder
user_id =
if user_id not in reminders:
reminders[user_id] = []
reminders[user_id].append((reminder_time, reminder_text))
update.message.reply_text(f"Reminder set for {reminder_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}: {reminder_text}")
except (IndexError, ValueError):
update.message.reply_text("Oops! That doesn't look right. Please use the format:\nYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Reminder text")
This function parses the user's input, stores the reminder, and confirms it's been set. It's like giving our bot a notepad to jot down reminders.
5. Time's Ticking: Scheduling with APScheduler
Let's bring in APScheduler to handle our reminder timing:
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from apscheduler.jobstores.memory import MemoryJobStore
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
scheduler.add_jobstore(MemoryJobStore(), 'default')
def schedule_reminder(context, user_id, reminder_time, reminder_text):
job = scheduler.add_job(
args=[context, user_id, reminder_text]
def send_reminder(context, user_id, reminder_text):, text=f"Reminder: {reminder_text}")
This sets up our scheduler and defines functions to schedule and send reminders. It's like giving our bot its own alarm clock!
6. User Interaction: Making It Friendly
Let's add some more user-friendly features:
def list_reminders(update, context):
user_id =
if user_id in reminders and reminders[user_id]:
reminder_list = "\n".join([f"{r[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}: {r[1]}" for r in reminders[user_id]])
update.message.reply_text(f"Your reminders:\n{reminder_list}")
update.message.reply_text("You don't have any reminders set.")
def delete_reminder(update, context):
user_id =
if user_id in reminders and reminders[user_id]:
keyboard = [[f"{r[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}: {r[1]}"] for r in reminders[user_id]]
reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)
update.message.reply_text("Which reminder would you like to delete?", reply_markup=reply_markup)
update.message.reply_text("You don't have any reminders to delete.")
# Don't forget to add these to your command handlers in main()
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("list", list_reminders))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("delete", delete_reminder))
These functions allow users to list and delete their reminders. It's like giving our bot a user manual and an eraser!
7. Deploying Your Bot: Giving It Life
Now that our bot is ready, let's give it a home in the cloud. Heroku is a great option for hosting your bot:
- Set up a Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI
- Initialize a git repository in your project directory and commit your files
Create a Heroku app and push your code:
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale worker=1
Create a requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Create a Procfile
in your project directory with this content:
worker: python
And voila! Your bot is now living in the cloud, ready to remind people 24/7!
Wrapping Up: What's Next?
Congratulations! You've just created a Telegram reminder bot. But why stop here? Here are some ideas to take your bot to the next level:
- Add support for recurring reminders
- Implement natural language processing for more flexible reminder setting
- Add timezone support for global users
- Integrate with calendar apps
Remember, the sky's the limit when it comes to bot development. Keep exploring, keep coding, and most importantly, keep having fun!
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
Now go forth and conquer the world of bots, one reminder at a time!